14 October 2018

MSF calls for the immediate evacuation of all asylum seekers and refugees from Nauru and an end to offshore detention.

Dear Mr Dutton           Coleman         Neuman          Shorten

I support that call.

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has strongly condemned the sudden decision of the Government of Nauru to end MSF health care on the island. MSF staff have expressed strong concern for the conditions of the patients that they have been forced to leave behind.

MSF now calls for the immediate evacuation of all asylum seekers and refugees from the island so that they complete their resettlement process with dignity and in safety.

MSF calls for an end to the Australian policy of indefinite offshore detention; cruelly and inhumanely separating families and holding men, women and children indefinitely with no hope and little protection – except, possibly in the case of a medical emergency.

The Australian Government’s policy of detention of refugees and asylum seekers should be repealed immediately. It is not MSF’s psychiatrists and psychologists who should have left Nauru, it is the hundreds of asylum seekers and refugees whom Australia has trapped on the island for the past five years.


14 October 2018

Stewart Jäckel
Postal address
m: +61xxx xxx xxx
Ragg & Co
Albert’s Wars
Raising Rosie
The Boobiebum Doodle Machine
Refugee Legal paralegal
RMIT PWE: Judy Duffy Award

cc:        peter.dutton.mp@aph.gov.au

First Dog on the Moon has it: